esg reporting


ESG Reporting

ESG/Sustainability Reporting

Communicating your organization’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance to stakeholders using a stand alone report based on worldwide accepted standards such as GRI, ESRS and IFRS among others.

ESG Disclosures for Integrated Reporting

Integrating your Sustainability information with your annual report including results of key ESG data analysis such as Materiality Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement.


Reporting on your organization’s non-financial performance and sustainability efforts in the form of a stand alone Corporate Social Responsibility Report based on widely accepted standards and frameworks.

working process

How We Help Companies With Sustainability Reporting

At Askel we provide you an end to end service tailored to the requirements of your business. Starting from providing any required standards and compliance-related advisory to assisting you in collecting data using our customized questionnaires to providing written content based on the analysis of that data.

what makes our offerings unique

  • In Built Advisory: We are available to guide you through every step of the process at no extra cost.
  • Customized Solutions: We actively work with you to find out the best solutions that suits the requirements of your business. 
  • Tailored Data Collection Tools: We provide you data gathering questionnaires and surveys prepared specific to your business and industry helping you save time and effort on your end. 

esg reporting services

What is Included?


Assessing what ESG topics are material to the company and its stakeholders.

stakeholder engagement assistance

Assistance with ESG Reporting-centric stakeholder engagement

data collection

Assisting your organization in collecting data using our tailored questionnaires.

guidance and advisory

Guidance and advisory throughout the entire process.


Analyzing the collected objective and subjective ESG information.


A complete written content draft of the sustainability report.


Explore the vital role of ESG reporting in modern businesses. Uncover the compelling reasons why integrating ESG reporting is essential for sustainability.

An in-depth guide on everything you need to know about what the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are and what are some of their key features.

Explore how sustainability reporting empowers SMEs, from boosting transparency and attracting investors to ensuring long-term growth.

Askel Sustainability Solutions

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